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Final Project

In this project, I made valentines for everyone I ever liked (that I could remember). I wanted to explore the feelings and attention I’ve given to these people, and how I could translate that into a humorous and almost ironic piece. I wanted there to be a lot of valentines and for this project to be a very physical one, because I feel like I’ve devoted a lot of time an energy to a lot of people (and for the most part, never acted on these feelings) and I wanted there to be physical evidence of that. The valentines vary in terms of medium and how “professional” they are depending on the age at which I liked the subject and the intensity of my feelings for them. In terms of process, I created most of these valentines using Illustrator and a little bit of photoshop. I used hallmark cards for inspiration for some of the cards and just went with my gut for others. I wanted all of the cards to be personal and funny but also sweet. For some of the valentines, I cut hearts out of paper or made little notebook paper valentines. I ended up making about 30 valentines total.